Learn, build and work with Nik Sumeiko

Workshop for teams

Building enterprise-grade React app with zero bugs policy using Test-driven Development (TDD)

It's an intensive one-day on-site training for software engineering teams. Together we'll develop skills every successful and effective team needs to ship software that actually works.

Excellent learning experience

Building software at the enterprise project is hard. Hundred of business requirements always introduce a lot of complexity that eventually ends up in the codebase. It gets very difficult for developers to maintain the source code with confidence.

Hack or trust? You decide.
Illustration by Janis Ozolins

Whenever software behavior changes are implemented, new bugs pop up in different places of the application. Over time it becomes impossible to fix the bug without a hack. Hack after a hack, and the software design turns unmaintainable.

The engineering teams lose velocity, efficiency, and motivation. This is very expensive for the organization. Sometimes, irreversible for the business.

The workshop

In this training, software engineers will learn and practice Test-driven Development (TDD). We will explore how this Extreme Programming (XP) technique encourages simple software design that will stand the test of time and inspires confidence in shipping the software that works.

At the end of this workshop, your engineers will be able to do all of these things themselves:

  • Reduce the number of bugs popping up after every release, quarter or year

  • Determine regressions very early, track and fix promptly

    Before they hit the production or testing environment in the CI pipeline.
  • Write simple code resilient to changes

  • Build a single source of truth about how the software shall behave

    Directly in the codebase. It's the best place for everyone to maintain.
  • Raise the bar of professional software development in the team

  • Retain motivation to work

Let's make it work
Illustration by Janis Ozolins

Required experience

To get the most out of the workshop, your engineering team shall be working on the React codebase and have experience writing tests (e.g., unit tests).

This workshop will use TypeScript but should be completable without an issue if your engineers work with JavaScript.

Target audience

This workshop is for a team of Frontend engineers working at the enterprise-grade project. Having a lead test/QA engineer join would be very beneficial.

Topics we will be covering during workshop

  • 01.

    Outside-in TDD

    Acceptance tests, integration tests, unit tests
  • 02.

    Documenting software behavior

    Gherkin scenarios
  • 03.

    Clean Architecture for React app

    Also known as hexagonal or onion architecture, described by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)
  • 04.

    Unit testing

    Driving production code design by tests; Not the opposite
  • 05.

    Pair programming

    The most effective teamwork
  • 06.

    The morning routine for Zero bugs policy

    A combination of CI and people effort to fix bugs

About the author

Nik Sumeiko

Nik Sumeiko is a software engineer and architect with over 17 years of professional experience. He works on payment systems at George, digital banking of Erste Group. Beyond programming, Nik trains web developers in-house and at enterprise companies all over Europe.

Here are a few statistics to support why Nik considers TDD to be so valuable to the daily development of payments systems at George:

Craft like the best

Deliver value, fulfill responsibilities.
You're in a good company! Nik has been working and successfully training software engineers at these companies.

Rising the bar of professional software development
Illustration by Janis Ozolins

Ready to raise the bar of professional software development at your team?


exl. VAT* and travel expenses**
Full day on-site training Pair programming Certification Zero-bugs policy 💪


Here's what people learning and working with Nik say.


How is the learning process organized?

During the training, we work through exercises specifically crafted to help engineers experiment with TDD. Exercises are done in pairs or triples via pair/mob programming. Participants will be coding right from the beginning, with short presentations made by the author in-between exercises.

Based on Nik's training experience and scientific research on how people learn, this is the most efficient way to make the learning stick.

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